Hotel Real Estate Investment: Profiting from the Bleisure Boom

Published April 15, 2024

The Bleisure Boom: Why Hotel Investors Need to Pay Attention

Picture this: A bustling city conference ends, but instead of rushing back to a generic hotel room to work, you head to rooftop yoga. The next morning? Local brunch before diving into client meetings in the hotel’s cozy co-working lounge.

This is the world of ‘bleisure’ travel – where business and fun blend seamlessly. And for hotel real estate investors, it’s a game-changer.

What is Bleisure Travel (and Why It Should Excite Investors)

Bleisure is all about blurring the lines between work and play. More professionals are extending business trips for leisure, or finding ways to work while exploring new destinations. Here’s why investors should care:

  • It’s a Growing Market: Nearly 60% of business travelers add leisure time to their trips (according to Forbes).
  • Bigger Spending: Bleisure travelers stay longer and spend more on experiences that make their work AND play time better.
  • Beyond Corporate Travel: Freelancers, digital nomads, even families where one parent travels for work are embracing the bleisure mindset.

Winning the Bleisure Game: Hotels & Investors

How can hotels attract these valuable guests – and how can investors profit? Here’s the exciting part:

  • Ditch Boring Workspaces: Offer inviting co-working areas with natural light, comfy seating, and reliable Wi-Fi.
  • Wellness Matters: Gyms with a view, in-room yoga mats, and healthy food options are key.
  • Local Connection: Help guests experience the destination with walking tours, hidden gem restaurant lists, or even workshops with local artists.
  • Tech is Key: Easy booking, mobile check-in, and in-room controls make life easier.
  • The Little Things Count: Great beds, power outlets galore, and even ‘work from bed’ setups show you understand bleisure needs.

Investor Insight: New Opportunities in Hotel Real Estate

The ‘bleisure’ trend presents entirely new hotel real estate investment opportunities. Think properties that seamlessly integrate:

  • Extended Stay Potential: A Smart Hotel Real Estate Investment Apartments or suites within a hotel complex offer guests the comforts of home while still providing access to hotel amenities.
  • Lifestyle-Focused Concepts: Hotels prioritizing design, social spaces, and curated experiences can tap into the bleisure market year-round.
  • Revitalizing Neighborhoods: Mixed-use developments, where hotels coexist with residential and commercial spaces, can become hubs for bleisure travelers and locals alike.

The Bottom Line

The lines between work and travel are becoming more fluid, and how we define what a hotel “should be” is evolving along with it. Investors who recognize the potential of the bleisure boom and cater to this unique clientele are setting themselves up for success in the ever-changing hospitality landscape. Ready to start rethinking your hotel real estate portfolio?

Want to explore bleisure-focused investment opportunities?  Contact us to learn how we can help you identify and capitalize on hotels and properties that cater to this growing market segment.

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